Egypt Egypt Egypt

Egypt has 100million people in the country and the most of the population is Arabic Egyptsians and the other races are like Berbers and Bedouns. When you are in Egypt they mostly speak Egyptian Arabic. Ancient Egyptians were African which is crazy right. Egypt is in the North Eastern Africa. Also the most popular tourist attractions is the Giza Pyramids of course and the Valley of the Kings that actually has kings buried in there. Egypt has one of the most popular and most beautiful landmarks in the world. 4 interesting facts about Egypt 1st the Egyptian invented the 365 days a year colander. 2nd interesting fact coming right at you ok, the worlds most oldest dress was in Egypt it is known to be 5000 years old. 3rd fact let’s go, the great Pyramids were not built by slaves. 4th fact woo hoo, greater Cairo is the largest city in Africa and the Middle East. 

Where in Egypt it’s crazy to think that I was three years old when I first went here it’s just crazy. I love that we got view of a crazy famous landmark. 

Where in Egypt it’s crazy to think that I was three years old when I first went here it’s just crazy. I love that we got view of a crazy famous landmark. 


We went to a few mosques that was amazingly incredible because it was gigantic. There was so much space in the mosques that you can’t even see the other side off the mosques. 

Also there was a lot of souvenirs if you call it that. It’s sort of like a big video game and you buy weapons and amour each mosque  it was really like a fantasy.

Also there was a lot of souvenirs if you call it that. It’s sort of like a big video game and you buy weapons and amour each mosque  it was really like a fantasy.


What was really fun about the pyramids is Hugo and I could climb onto the pyramids and it was really hard and fun to climb. We could also climb into the pyramids which was really hard because it was really steep. 

We absolutely loved the pyramids because we went for a camel ride, which I felt so scared and had butterflies for the first 30 minuets. Then after the 30 minuets i felt brave and heroic but then we started going up hills. So then I felt really scare…

We absolutely loved the pyramids because we went for a camel ride, which I felt so scared and had butterflies for the first 30 minuets. Then after the 30 minuets i felt brave and heroic but then we started going up hills. So then I felt really scared again. 


So Mum really wanted to know more about Egypt or just the ancient Egypt so we got a guide to museum that was really cool because I thought that it would be really boring like Some of the museums that I’ve went to no offence museums. But I think this museum is the most popular or most interesting history but I think it’s manly from the mummies. 


This was my favourite mosque out of all of them but the main reason  I liked it is because I did a photo off with my mum. Plus I totally won I’ll put all my photos down below.


This was one of my favourite photos of all of them because I loved the perspective. It was shot in the mosque and it has a lot of detail.


This is my second favourite one that I shot because it shows the essence of what we do. I’m just trying to sound like an artist right now because my parents are telling me to write about each photo. To the next one. 


This is what I mean by you can’t see the other side because you actually can’t see the other side, it’s absolutely crazy.

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